Trail Adopter Info & Resources

Trail Adopters - You can enter your trail reports HERE

The Trails Cache with the County has a useful website source on trail adopter information HERE.  

So far for 2022, over 1,666 hours of trail volunteer work!

Trails that have received work for 2022:

  • Cottonwood
  • Willow/Ephraim’s cutoff 
  • Beirdneau 
  • Smithfield (SDL)
  • Providence
  • NF of High Creek 
  • Temple Fork Sawmill and other projects
  • Tony Grove Nature Trail
  • Cherry Creek

What to expect next year

Previous trail adopters will be contacted by someone to see if you’ll be a repeat adopter.

There will be availability of trail tools and trailer (on big days).

There will be extra support and training for adopters (more trail building tips and tricks, chainsaw safety training)